Photo of three identical machines in a circular setup showing moving elements and cables

Stille Post Maschinen

Kinetic Sculpture Arduino Errors UdK 2012

Three identical machines, each fitted with a set of mechanical arms reaching into a fabric and a low resolution observing camera, try to copy kinetic information from its predecessor. The unideal circumstances within this circular setup will make the machines fail their tasks, transform the circulated information and theoretically repeat the original iteration.

Schematic top view of various components Schematic side view of motors and their connected metallic arms
Schematic top view of three identical machines with their components Photo of a photo resistor wall facing a shadow throwing fabric Photo of moving metallic arms connected to electronics A concept scribble for a row of machines transporting information A concept scribble for a circular layout of machines transporting information Translation of circular motion to linear motion Visualization of the values received by photo resistors